Thursday, 28 May 2015

Emotional Intelligence and Goleman's Learning Model Cont'd...

I initially believed that we were looking at Emotional Intelligence in a more general context. However, through my readings, I have come to understand that since 1900's the definition of emotional intelligence has been centered around cognitive aspect of individual's learning process such as memory and problem-solving abilities. Now I have realized that the term has evolved. Today, the term has taken on new meaning as it takes into account the social aspects of intelligence as well. These can include the individual's intentions, their motivations along with their interactions and intentions towards other people. 

Emotional intelligence as a model came to life in the late 1990s, when a distinction was made by Daniel Goleman as to whether or not Emotional Intelligence should be viewed as a trait or purely as an ability. According to Goleman, Emotional Intelligence is not an innate trait. Rather, it is a learned capability that an individual picks up, and can be worked on as the individual progress through their learning experiences. 


Mahasneh, A. (2013). Learning Styles a Predictor of Emotional Intelligence Among Sample of                    Jordanian University Students, Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, PP 46-55

Halpern, D.F. (2013). Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum : A Brief Edition of Thought and                  Knowledge. Published by Routledge, Abingdon, Ozon

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