Tuesday, 26 May 2015

My Role As a Future Childhood Educator.

I found the videos posted on the discussion forums on the topic of Andragogy as well as the VAK test quite informative and interesting.
The video specifically on the comparison between Andragogy and Pedagogy went into great detail, discussing the opponents’ views on Andragogy. I liked the fact that the narrators specifically discussed the false dichotomy that Knowles model has created between the adult and the child learners.  “… Children also have experiences that shapes their learning as well and benefit from contextualize experiential learning” (Herod, L., 2012).
As such, I believe the role of educator and how we view ourselves in our everyday teaching practice ties in very well with this quote.
As it was also mentioned in previous discussions, from the Andragogic perspective of teaching, the learners as ‘Adults’ are expected to walk in with past experiences, and depending on the subject matter, contextualize the information through observation and learn by drawing upon their past experiences. Knowles’s theory views the learners as self-directed individuals. Nonetheless, I believe in today’s technologically advanced era, the role of the instructor as a facilitator slightly changes. There are in fact a lot of implications cited in the literature about this assumption when it comes to online learning environments and distance education. Therefore, learners may need guidance as well as clarification on the learning activities that are expected of them throughout the course. In this context, the teacher must play the role of the facilitator as well as a guide in order to provide direction and support when needed and on individual basis.
            This will definitely apply to me as I know for a fact that as a future childhood educator, my teaching will be rather inclusive, so I will have to gauge the reactions and behaviors of each child on a regular basis.


Cromley, J. (2000). Learning to Think: Learning to Learn. National Institute 
            for Literacy, US Department of Education. Retrieved from:  

Herod, L. (2012). Adult Learning: From Theory to Practice , A Course on Adult

Hohn, M. (1998) Why is change so hard? Retrieved From:

Hohn, M. (1998). Organizational Development and Its Implications for Adult 
            Basic Education Programs. Retrieved From:  

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