Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Digital Tools...


         In this day and age incorporating some technological tools in learning has become a necessity. The fact that many educators are hesitant to incorporate technologically advanced tools or resources in their classroom is something that resonates with me personally given that using technologically advanced tools is often out my comfort zone and I try to avoid it as much as I can unless I completely have to. In the field of Early Childhood Education, however, the educators who are against the incorporation of technology in their classes, suggest that the child must learn to rely on themselves and learn to use their innate capabilities and wisdom rather than be dependent on technological assistance. 
       For my Instructional Strategies project, I used Prezi as my technological resource. As it was my first time using this resource, I had to go over the in-depth tutorial that was provided in the website. Although, I found the tutorial quite informative, once I started the project, one of the things that was quite time consuming to do was matching the voice-cues to the slide's transition. It took quite some time for me and several attempts to get it right, only to  find out that the transition between the slide shots could not be controlled as much. I think you get the idea now: that while having such resources at our disposal could provide us with the opportunity to have a better product to present to our audience, it can be time consuming and actually make learning less engaging for the novices who are using the new technology. 

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