Thursday, 2 July 2015

Disruptions in Class...

Many educators specifically in the field of Adult Education take disruptions in class personally. Therefore, I believe the following steps are useful in handling disruptions in class: 
1. Calming Down: it is crucial for both the student as well as the teacher to depersonalize the incident in order to be able to communicate a resolution. However, calming down does not necessary imply a lack of disciplinary action.
2. Listening: Provide the student with the opportunity to explain their side of the story and show them that you are willing to listen ... (We use this technique quite frequently in the field of Early Childhood Education. 
3. Using Humor: Again, this may work better and more effectively in the field of Early Childhood Education. 
4. Deflect Argumentation: Allocate certain amount of time to get to resolution and not let the situation get out of control and led to argumentation. 
These are just some of the points I thought of that were used predominantly and are more applicable to my field of expertise. 

It's a little funny how true this is for any online class. It's a stark contrast from online discussions where there's no structure at all and it just boils down to petty insults and name-calling. It is interesting how online education can really bring out the best in students, yet the online atmosphere can bring out the worst

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